Natal has an international airport with connections to most Brazilian state capitals and to Lisbon and Milan (through Fortaleza)
The following companies fly to Natal:
The airport is approximately 31km from the conference hotels, as indicated in the following map. The journey takes around fifty minutes by car, depending on the traffic. There taxi and van services available at the airport. A special van service has been hired by SBF. All those willing to use it please send a message to Beatriz Mattos – Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo., specifying the date, time of arrival, and number of persons. This service will cost R$ 30,00/person.
Due to budget restrictions, SBF is asking all invited speakers for the plenary and symposia sections to pay their own air tickets. However, the foreign invited speakers that do not have available funds can have their tickets acquired by SBF or be reimbursed on the basis of economy class. Those needing this help and who have not yet done it, are kindly requested to send a message to Beatriz Mattos – Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. specifying their flight plan.
In the case of invited speakers from Brazil, the payment of air transportation will depend on the approval of the funding applications submitted by SBF to different agencies.