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A Phd student position in Mathematical modeling of pattern formation in ecological systems is available  to join my group at CASUS – HZDR in Görlitz (Germany). The project is quite flexible in terms of approaches and specific systems, and it will be tuned according the successful candidate’s interest. Some possible projects involve the study of vegetation pattern formation in hyper-arid ecosystems (combining different modeling approaches and the analysis of multi-annual aerial images) or spatial patterns in microbial systems, such as bacterial biofilms.

The position is available from 1 Feb 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter and it is funded for 3 years. For further information about the conditions of the position and benefits, please check the online advertisement at https://www.hzdr.de/db/Cms?pNid=490&pOid=73101&pContLang=en. Applications are open until 22nd November 2024.

For any informal inquiry, please feel free to contact me at r.martinez-garcia@hzdr.de