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Nos dias 29 e 30 de outubro, ocorreu na Guatemala a III Reunião Ibero-Americana de Ministros de Ciência e Tecnologia. Nessa ocasião Fernando Quevedo, diretor do International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) em Trieste, apresentou aos ministros presentes um documento propondo a criação de um Fórum Latino-Americano para a Infraestrutura de Pesquisa em Grandes Experimentos, com o objetivo de desenvolver uma estratégia coordenada para a pesquisa em Física de Altas Energias e Cosmologia na América Latina nas próximas décadas. O documento contou com o apoio da SBF, da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira (SAB), da Rede Nacional de Física de Altas Energia (RENAFAE) e da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (ABC). Os ministros reconheceram a necessidade da criação do fórum na declaração assinada ao final do evento.

Um workshop para discutir a criação do fórum deve acontecer ano que vem na cidade de São Paulo, em paralelo ao encontro anual do Global Research Council, entre os dias 1 e 3 de maio de 2019.

A documentação do fórum pode ser consultada no site https://sites.google.com/view/lastrategyforum/home

Transcrevemos abaixo a mensagem das pessoas que iniciaram esse esforço.

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to thank you for your contributions, relevant feedback and support for the initiative to promote the establishment of a Latin American Strategy Forum for Large Scale Research Infrastructures (LASF4RI). We are pleased to share the results of the effort that was presented on behalf of the HEP and Cosmology community at the III Ministerial meeting of Science and Technology of Ibero-America, held 29-30 October in Guatemala.

Fernando Quevedo presented the initiative to the Ministers. As a result, in the Ministerial Declaration a specific point was included that clearly makes emphasis on the need to further and support the scientific activities of researchers at existing infrastructures and the development of new ones, through specific mechanisms such as the Latin American Strategy Forum for Large Scale Research Infrastructures. See point 13 of the following document:


The implications of the declaration is that the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), through its division of Ibero-American Cooperation for Knowledge, now has the mandate to implement all of the accords of the declaration. It will be necessary to discuss further with them how to continue with the next steps.

We envision that a call for white papers will be made at some point over the next few months.

In addition, at the Regional Meeting of the Global Research Council (GRC) the initiative was also presented. As a result, in the context of the next GRC annual meeting to be held in the first week of May 2019 in Sao Paulo, it may be possible to have a satellite workshop to kickoff the community efforts. We would like to call your attention to this date so that you may mark it in your calendar.

A website is being setup that will be available in the next few days so that you can consult the Scientific Briefs of the experiments or facilities that have been sent by the community to support the initial effort for the Ministerial meeting. We give special thanks to those that helped to develop the first versions of these briefs.


Please, we would like to ask you to widely communicate this information to the scientific community in your country.

We see this as an initial effort and the involvement of each and every scientist in the Latin-American region will be essential to successfully develop a coordinated Latin American Strategy in Particle Physics and Cosmology, and science in general, in the next decade/s and hope we will all work together for its successful implementation.


Xavier Bertou

Marcela Carena

Marta Losada

Fernando Quevedo