LANET 2025 – Latin American Conference on Complex Networks 2025 (

The fourth edition of the LANET conference (, first held in Mexico in 2017, will now take place from the 28th of July until the 1st of August of 2025 in Uruguay. On this occasion, the conference will be held in the beautiful city of Punta del Este, a peninsula located at the southernmost point in Uruguay, where the Río de la Plata meets the Atlantic Ocean, and only an hour-and-a-half away from the capital city, Montevideo (information on how to get to the venue can be found under VENUE & ACCOMMODATION).

The aim of the LANET is to provide the scientific community working in Network Sciences of Latin America a forum to meet, foster collaborations, disseminate results, and promote the cross-fertilization of ideas from different areas. This meeting is also structured to encourage active participation from early career scientists and students, offering oral presentations, posters, and a school (taught in Spanish) on the fundamentals and applications of network theory, which will happen on the 28th of July (more information under SCHOOL).

Call For Contributions

We are now encouraging you to submit an abstract of your work in English (preferred), Spanish, or Portuguese to be considered as a (15-minute) talk or a poster contribution. Submissions are accepted through the LANET conference website under CONTRIBUTIONS & REGISTRATION[1] until the 18th of April – notification of acceptance will happen on a rolling basis until the 2nd of May. A non-extensive list of topics can be seen below.

Please do not miss the opportunity to shape the discussions on the interdisciplinary and cutting-edge topics of Network Sciences.

Topics: Higher-Order Networks, Temporal Networks, Multilayer Networks, Models Of Networks, Dynamics On Networks, Critical Phenomena In Networks, Network Geometry, 
Statistical Analysis Of Networks And Inference, Graph Machine Learning and Data Mining, Network Epidemiology, Brain Networks, Network Measures And Metrics, Ecological Networks, Financial Networks, Transportation Networks,  Biological Networks, Social Networks, Synchronization and control