For registration and details see:

This hybrid meeting will take place at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA with ~25 speakers over the course of 3 days. Contributions will cover recent developments in the fields of systems neuroscience and collective phenomena in complex systems with focus on the role of criticality and its implications for normal and abnormal brain dynamics. 

Registration is free (deadline: October 20th 2024). Participants can choose to register for in presence or interactive Zoom participation. All registered participants (including in presence participants for enhanced interaction with virtual attendees) will receive connection links and passwords prior to the meeting. Upon registration, it is also possible to submit an abstract. A few contributed abstracts will be selected for short spotlight talks. A “virtual poster zone” will be available for presenting the other abstracts. Virtual posters are accepted as static PDF files or short movie format lasting (less than ~5 minutes).