Vol. 30 - nº 4 - December - 2000
Special Issue: Ising Centennial Colloquium




Letter of Jane Ising
649-654 Ernst Ising 1900-1998
S. Kobe
655-666 Exact Solution of Asymmetric Diffusion With N Classes of Particles of Arbitrary Size and Hierarchical Order
F. C. Alcaraz, R. Z. Bariev
667-670 Spin Pair Correlation of the ANNNI Chain in a Field
Nelson Alves Jr. and Carlos S. O. Yokoi
671-676 Emergence of Log-Periodic Oscillations in Periodic and Aperiodic Ising Models
R. F. S. Andrade
677-679 Damage Spreading in the One-Dimensional Hinrichsen-Domany Model
Everaldo Arashiro and J. R. Drugowich de Felício
680-681 Two-Dimensional Ising Model and Local Nonuniversality of Critical Exponents
R. Z. Bariev
682-692 Experimental Characterization of the Ising Model in Disordered Antiferromagnets
D. P. Belanger
693-696 Dynamical Behavior of the Four-Body Transverse Ising Model with Random Bonds and Fields
Beatriz Boechat, Claudette Cordeiro, O. F. de Alcantara Bonfim, J. Florencio and F.C. Sá Barreto
697-700 The Two-Dimensional Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet with Ising-Like Anisotropy
Alessandro Cuccoli, Valerio Tognetti, Tommaso Roscilde, Paola Verrucchi and Ruggero Vaia
701-707 Stretched Exponential Relaxation and Independent Relaxation Modes
R.M.C. de Almeida, N. Lemke, and I.A. Campbell
708-710 Bond Counting Monte Carlo for the 2-D Ising Model in an External Field
H. G. Dias and J. Florencio
711-719 Ising Meets Ornstein and Zernike, Debye and Hückel, Widom and Rowlinson, and Others
Ronald Dickman
720-724 Quantum to Classical Crossover in the 2D Easy-Plane XXZ Model
H. Fehske, C. Schindelin, A. Wei{\ss}e, H. Büttner and D. Ihle
725-730 Time Dependent Transverse Correlations in the Ising Model in D Dimensions
João Florencio, Surajit Sen and M. Howard Lee
731-735 Nagel Scaling and Relaxation in the Kinetic Ising Model on an n-Isotopic Chain
L. L. Gonçalves, M. López de Haro and J. Tagüeña-Martínez
736-740 Square Water as a Solvent: Monte Carlo Simulations
Nara Guisoni and Vera Bohomoletz Henriques
741-744 Critical Behavior of Ferromagnetic Spin Models with Aperiodic Exchange Interactions
T. A. S. Haddad, S. T. R. Pinho and S. R. Salinas
745-747 Relaxation Dynamics Near Ferroelectric Phase Transitions and the Central-Peak Phenomenon
V. B. Kokshenev
748-753 The Ising Model as a Playground for the Study of Wetting and Interface Behavior
D. P. Landau, Alan M. Ferrenberg and K. Binder
754-757 Magnetic Field Induced Ising Axis Conversion in Tb0.5Dy0.5Cu2 Single Crystals
M. Loewenhaupt, M. Doerr, M. Rotter, T. Reif, A. Schneidewind and A. Hoser
758-761 Instability of Long-Range Order in a d=3 Random-Field Ising Model System: FexZn1-xF2
F. C. Montenegro, K. A. Lima, M. S. Torikachvili and A. H. Lacerda
762-765 The 3d Ising Spin Glass
Per Nordblad
766-771 Broad Histogram: Tests for a Simple and Efficient Microcanonical Simulator
Paulo Murilo Castro de Oliveira
772-777 Rigorous Results for Aperiodic and Almost Periodic Substitution Sequences
S. T. R. Pinho and T. C. Petit Lobão
778-782 Ferrroelectric Phase Transitions and the Ising Model
F. C. Sá Barreto
783-786 Heuristic Approach to the Critical Dynamics of the Ising Model
P.R. Silva and V. B. Kokshenev
787-793 World Records in the Size of Simulated Ising Models
Dietrich Stauffer
794-810 The Ising Model and Real Magnetic Materials
W. P. Wolf
811 Birthday Cake