Vol. 37 - n. 3A - September - 2007
II Workshop on Particle Correlations & Femtoscopy
WPCF 2006

xv Preface
xvii Committees
xix WPCF 2006 poster
xxi WPCF 2006 pictures
xxvii Participants

Dedicated Session: Community Consensus Initiative
- Organizers: Scott Pratt & Michael A. Lisa -

Status and Promise of Particle Interferometry in Heavy-Ion Collisions

xxxi WPCF 2006 Participants

Beyond Gaussians: Extracting Detailed Size and Shape Information
- Conveners: Pawel Danielewicz & Hans Eggers -

871 Shapes and Sizes from Non-Identical-Particle Correlations
Scott Pratt
877 HBT Shape Analysis with q-Cumulants
Hans Eggers and P. Lipa
885 Space-Time Characterization and Collective Motion at Intermediate Energies
Giuseppe Verde
893 Recent Results of Source Function Imaging from AGS through CERN SPS to RHIC
Roy Lacey
903 Fitted HBT Radii Versus Space-Time Variances in Flow-Dominated Models
Michael A. Lisa, E. Frodermann, and U. Heinz

Strong Interaction and Coulomb-induced Correlations
- Conveners: Adam Kisiel & Richard Lednický -

917 Non-Identical Particle Femtoscopy in Models with Single Freeze-Out
Adam Kisiel
925 Selected Results on Strong and Coulomb-Induced Correlations from the STAR Experiment
Michal Sumbera for the STAR Collaboration
933 Distorted Wave Emission Function (DWEF) Calculations of RHIC HBT and Spectra
John G. Cramer and G. A. Miller
939 Femtoscopic Correlations in Multiparticle Production and Beta-Decay
Richard Lednický

Squeezed States and Particle-Antiparticle Back-to-Back Correlations
- Convener: Gastão Krein -

949 Disappearance of Squeezed Back-to-Back Correlations - A New Signal of Hadron Freeze-Out from a Supercooled Quark Gluon Plasma
Tamás Csörgö and S. S. Padula

Expectations for the observations at the LHC
- Conveners: Yuri Sinyukov & Boris Tomásik -

963 What to Expect When You're Expecting: Femtoscopy at the LHC
Michael A. Lisa
969 Heavy-Ion Collisions at LHC in a Multiphase Transport Model
Che Ming Ko, L. W. Chen, and B. W. Zhang

New Results from SPS and RHIC
- Conveners: Dariusz Miskowiec & Michal Sumbera -

979 Pion-Pion and Pion-Proton Correlations - New Results from CERES
Dariusz Miskowiec and Dariusz Antonczyk for the CERES Collaboration
986 Recent Femtoscopy Results from NA49: Evidence for a non-Gaussian Tail in the 3-Dimensional Two-Pion Emission Source at SPS
Paul Chung and P. Danielewicz for the NA49 Collaboration
994 Neutral Kaon Correlations in \sqrt{sNN} = 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC
Richard Lednický and S. Bekele
1002 Anomalous Diffusion of Pions at RHIC
Tamás Csörgö, M. Csanád, and M. Nagy
1014 The Role of Local and Global Strangeness Neutrality at the Inhomogeneous Freeze-Out in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Detlef Zschiesche and L. Portugal

Investigating Dynamics and the EoS with HBT
- Conveners: Tamás Csörgö & Scott Pratt -

1023 Measuring Shear Viscosity Using Correlations
Sean Gavin and M. Abdel-Aziz
1031 HBT and Initial Conditions for Hydrodynamic Expansion in A+A Collisions
Yuri M. Sinyukov, M. Gyulassy, Iu. Karpenko, and A. V. Nazarenko
1039 Rapidity Dependence of HBT Radii Based on a Hydrodynamical Model
Kenji Morita
1047 Causal Theory of Relativistic Dissipative Hydrodynamics
Tomoi Koide, G. S. Denicol, T. Kodama, and Ph. Mota

Correlations from Small Sources
- Conveners: Michael A. Lisa & Wesley J. Metzger -

1057 Global Conservation Laws and Femtoscopy of Small Systems
Michael A. Lisa and Chajecki
1065 Parametrization of Bose-Einstein Correlations and Reconstruction of the Source Function in Hadronic Z-boson Decays using the L3 Detector
Wesley J. Metzger, T. Novák, T. Csörgö, and W. Kittel for the L3 Collaboration