Vol. 36 - n. 1B - March - 2006
Special Issue: XXV Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields

ii Foreword
107-114 The Shape of Space after WMAP data
Jean-Pierre Luminet
115-121 ATLAS Construction Status
P. Jenni
122-131 Chasing the Unicorn: RHIC and the QGP
Robert D. Pisarski
132-140 Symmetries of Dynamically Equivalent Theories
D. M. Gitman and I. V. Tyutin
141-156 On Some Classical and Quantum Effects Due to Gravitational Fields
V. B. Bezerra
157-163 Chiral Transition and the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Eduardo S.Fraga

Regular Articles

164-167 Effect of Experimentally Observed Hot Atom Adsorption Mechanism on the Phase Diagram of Monomer-Dimer Catalytic Reaction on Pt(111): A Monte-Carlo Simulation Study
M. Khalid, Q. N. Malik, A. U. Qaisrani, and M. K. Khan
168-176 Repulsive Casimir Forces Produced in Rectangular Cavities: Possible Measurements and Applications
A. Gusso and A. G. M. Schmidt
177-189 Space Isotropy and Weak Equivalence Principle in a Scalar Theory of Gravity
Mayeul Arminjon
190-193 Analysis of Disruptive Discharges During Density Limit Experiments on the HT-7 Tokamak
M. Asif, X. Gao, and the HT-7 Team
194-207 Noncommutative Configuration Space. Classical and Quantum Mechanical Aspects
F. J. Vanhecke, C. Sigaud, and A. R. da Silva
208-217 Chiral Symmetry Restoration and Pion Properties in a q-Deformed NJL Model
V. S. Timóteo and C. L. Lima
218-221 One-Dimensional Lattice Gas Models with Infinitely Many Absorbing States
Carlos E. Fiore and Mário J. de Oliveira
222-228 Remarks on the Dynamical Mass Generation in Confining Yang-Mills Theories
S. P. Sorella
229-231 Full fp-shell Study of Even-Even 48-56Ti Isotopes
F.A.Majeed and A.A.Auda
232-236 An Efficient Algorithm to Generate Random Uncorrelated Euclidean Distances: The Random Link Model
César Augusto Sangaletti Terçariol and Alexandre Souto Martinez
237-244 Removing the Wess Zumino Fields in the BFFT Formalism
Jorge Ananias Neto