Revista de Física Aplicada e Instrumentação

Vol. 12 - nº 4 - 1997

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Dispersion Modelling Studies: the 1984 Experiment in Angra dos Reis
P. Martano, A. S. Paschoa file   PDF file

Recent Progress on Copper Laser Development and Applications at IEAv
R. Riva, J. T. Watanuki, B. Christ, C. Schwab, N. A. S. Rodrigues file   PDF file

Fizeau Confocal Laser Scanning Interference Microscope
P. F. Meilán, M. Garavaglia file   PDF file

Thermal Diffusivity Measurements of Fluoride Glasses Using the Thermal Lens Method
S. M. Lima, T. Catunda, E. Hersoug, R. Lebullenger, A. C. Hernandes, J. A. Sampaio, M. L. Baesso, S. Gama file   PDF file

Speckle Noise in Holographic Recording
Leandro L. Soares, Carlos R. A. Lima, Elso L. Rigon, Lucila Cescato file   PDF file